We often get fascinated by the success stories of prominent people in business around the globe. But does success come by luck? Or do these successful business tycoons do something extraordinary away from the reach of ordinary minds? Well, here, one needs to peep into their business horoscope. Most of us have heard about the usefulness and efficacy of Astrology. If you wish to excel in business, you must find a business suitable to your date of birth, as explained in business astrology.
How Does Business Astrology Help Us?
Astrology is an ancient science that explains various aspects of life in detail. By taking references from one’s birth horoscope/kundli, an astrologer can help you know your strengths, weaknesses, and favorable and unfavorable times apart from the more profound and hidden meanings of life. Business astrology is that branch that helps you know the most basic question, i.e., whether you are meant to do business. Sometimes your planetary alignments don’t support any business; instead, they show success in a job or profession. If the kundli suggests a business, you can easily make out the quantum of your business success through your business horoscope. Which type of business will prove most beneficial to you? What crucial years should you plan a start-up, expansion, merger, or closure?
It is possible to get success in business with astrology, provided the person acts as per the astrological combinations or astrology yoga in the kundli/birth chart. It makes no sense to waste your resources in a field not meant for you! It is advisable to analyze your business horoscope before deciding on a start-up, expansion, business partnership, merger, or any other important decision related to your business.
Want to succeed in business? Explore your business horoscope!
Business involves considerable investments of resources, sometimes wiping away savings for the whole life. The person may have to take loans at heavy interest rates. Thereby running a business involves a good amount of risk. Certain planetary combinations in everyone’s chart speak of failure or success in business for that person. The business horoscope helps to understand-
Whether you should do a business or a job?
Which will be the most suitable business line for you?
What should be the location of your business?
Dos and Don’ts in Business.
Should you work in a business partnership?
Who should be your partner?
When will be your good or bad time in business?
In which year, month, or week should you make important business decisions?
Watch out for this planet for business losses!
If we talk about failure in business, there can be innumerable reasons, but here we will try to understand the fundamental reason behind it. A good business person should have risk-taking and quick decision-making capabilities. If he remains shaky in most of the business decisions, chances are that his competitors will take advantage of available business opportunities.
One has to have a strong mind, so the planet Moon should be strong in the birth chart. Moon represents your mind and finances in astrology. Its extreme affliction can cause business losses due to carelessness or indecisiveness.
Similarly, Mercury is the planet of trade in astrology which should be in an excellent position to achieve business success. The Sun represents your inner strengths and fame; a strong Sun in the birth chart will give you fame and success. The Moon and Sun create raj yoga in the horoscope for a successful business.
The shadow planet Rahu creates confusion, whereas Saturn causes delays. Their effect on the mind (Moon), soul (Sun), or body (lagna) creates obstructions in achieving business success. However, these are the planets that also give massive business success. So, one should know about their strength and dignity in the horoscope. Most gigantic business figures have strong Rahu and Saturn in their horoscopes.
Certain astrological yogas like Kaalsarp dosha, Pitru dosha, Raj Bhang Yoga, Kemdrum yoga, Grahan yoga, etc., cause business failures.
People notice sudden losses or obstructions in business in their otherwise smooth sailing business. There are fixed months in the year when you face varied problems in your business. There are fixed days when the government. Or higher authorities trouble you with their rigid rules and laws. Why does this happen? These troubles occur due to the transit of adverse planets in the birth chart. One has to give importance to the planetary placements in divisional charts like D-9 and D-10, as these affect someone’s business to a great extent. Transiting negative planets through your fourth or tenth house negatively affects the business.
Similarly, if the planet in the eighth house of the D-10 chart operates in dasha, the person faces problems, losses, and sometimes closure in business. Thus, you may know about the bad period in advance and take the required prior measures to save any ill effects in business caused by different planets.
Important houses for success or failure in business
There are twelve houses in astrology, and almost every house relates to success and fame in business. But the main houses of business are the seventh and the tenth houses. The seventh house represents daily business activities, while the tenth is the leading business house. If the tenth house is strong in the birth chart, the person gets fame and wealth through business.
All planets give results per their significations, and no planet can be named good or bad here. We all are meant to do a specified kind of work as indicated by the planets in the birth chart. The influence of the planets at the tenth house set the tone for our business or another line of work. Its connection with other houses gives business, job, or any other profession. The tenth house decides whether you will work in your motherland or overseas.
The tenth lord, its strength, placement, and connection with the other house lords, decides one’s fate in business. Only an expert business astrologer can read and predict the appropriate business line with the help of the tenth house.
A weak seventh house will lead to business failures no matter how strong your tenth house is. You can only succeed in business once you have beneficial daily transactions; the seventh house shows the same. The seventh house is the house of marriage and spouse also. Thus, you can boost your business by keeping your marriage in good shape.
Right business selection as per your date of birth
Success is certain if a person does business as his birth chart suggests. There are instances of great success for some, whereas others fail miserably. One may shine brightly amidst many competitors for better skills and more favorable planets. The birth chart suggests the most suitable line of business for a person. In astrology, every planet, house, zodiac sign, and nakshatra has specified significations or traits. These astrological determinants tend to influence the person’s life with their individual traits. Thus, the business line depends on the influence of planets, houses, zodiac signs, and nakshatra on the tenth house of the birth chart.
Some people don’t derive expected results and satisfaction in one line of work/business and thus change their careers quite often. One can see whether he has to change his work or he will continue doing the same work for a longer time by his horoscope. Right business selection is very important, as investing resources in unsuitable businesses results in dissatisfaction, failures, and losses. If one wishes to know which business suits my kundli, then he should take the help of business astrology.
After analyzing available astrological yoga, a business astrologer can help with the right business selection for a person. Astrology also suggests the mode of operating a business. For instance, if a strong tenth house or its lord connects with the third house, the person should involve online marketing in the business. Or he can travel more for day-to-day business transactions. Similarly, a tenth house connects with the fourth house; the person usually works from home or in the vicinity of his home. Every house and planetary placement suggests a unique way of doing business. A learned astrologer can decode the planetary pattern to develop the idea of the most suitable business to bring overall prosperity to him.
The business name plays an important role
The name of a business has a say in its success or failure. The right name is essential for a successful business. In astrology, every syllable connects with a certain planet, nakshatra, and sign. When we call a name, we tend to activate the planet as related to the sound of that name or syllable. If we activate the suitable planet, we tend to attract good planetary energy and vice-versa. Thus, knowing which planet will give us good results is crucial. After carefully analyzing the janma nakshatra and the tenth house, a learned astrologer can suggest a suitable name.
I have seen many business firms on the verge of closure flourishing miraculously after changing or altering the company’s names. Business astrology can suggest the lucky name for a business as per the birth chart. Keeping the right name for a business is similar to naming a baby, where we name the baby as per the Moon nakshatra. Right activation of planetary energy yields positive results in business.
Choose your business partner carefully
One may need a business partner to have better finances, skills, and technical advancements. But opting for a business partnership without astrological consultation can play havoc on your business. Business partnership, by the astrology chart, brings sure shot business success. When two people work together, their stars affect each other positively and negatively. The business partner can affect the success or failure of the business. One should look for partnership compatibility before entering into any business partnership firm. Your profitable business in sole proprietorship may fail immediately after forming a business partnership if you choose an incompatible partner.
Your best friend or even a close relative can't act as the best partner here. We find astrological compatibility in terms of the birth charts and not in relations. The dhan/wealth yoga available in one partner's chart will also benefit the other. Similarly, bad yoga will also bring negative results for both of them. To succeed in business, one should choose his business partner carefully. If you choose your business partner per the natal chart, you will soon see your business flourishing like never before.
Astrology can solve all business-related issues
It is shocking but true that astrology can find out various business issues in the birth chart. Sometimes we see someone facing one hurdle after another after commencing a business. This may be due to malefic yoga or negative planetary placements playing their destructive roles. Astrology can reveal a unique way of operating a business suitable to a specific individual. For instance, we don’t consider taking loans a good practice, but some people will not succeed until they borrow! This happens because their planets are so aligned that without taking a loan, their business can’t survive. This is a matter of chance that the person who needs to take out a loan for a successful business often strictly stays against the loans, thus, causing losses in his business. Similarly, one’s horoscope may suggest operating a business in a specific direction to achieve desired success. If that person tries his luck otherwise, he may have to bear losses in business.
Thus, astrology can suggest effective astrological measures and karma modifications safeguard against business losses.
Every business experiences good and bad times. No business always runs in profit and vice-versa. The placement, dasha, and transit of the planets bring different experiences in a specific business. The same business can give promising results in a year while it brings considerable losses in the other year. We get varied results due to changing positions of the planets. A good business astrologer can help know the possible threats in a business and the measures to resolve them. A person may have a business yoga, but at the same time, he should know when he should remain conscious in business and avoid big investments or risk-involving decisions. A business astrologer can predict the type of loss in business as per the individual’s chart. Losses can be of different types like theft, cheating, forgery, competition, price fluctuations, and losses due to changes in government—policies, etc. There can be yoga for business losses arising from these reasons.
How to Grow Business with Help of Astrology
Astrology can help to take someone's business to the next level. It helps businesses to grow by facilitating-
Choice of the right line of business
Suggesting appropriate ways for operating a business
Suggesting the right direction for the location of the business
Choosing the right business partner
Selecting the best suitable business name
Do's and Don'ts in Business
Identify good and bad periods in business
Suggesting the time for making important decisions
Businesses can grow with the right attitude, skills, and good decision-making. Not every business person possesses such qualities; one needs to grow them. In Astrology, every planet has specific significations representing desired skills. By identifying the weak planets, a business astrologer can help strengthen them using astrology measures. This practice, in turn, will bring desired traits in the person for him to become a successful business person. For instance, the Sun represents confidence. If a person has a weak Sun, he lacks confidence, a prerequisite for a successful businessman. In that case, by strengthening the Sun, he can boost his confidence and, thus, decision-making capability.
Secondly, astrology helps remove the harmful effects of the planets creating obstacles and hurdles in business. Every horoscope has a badhaka planet that obstructs various fields of life, including business. If it's creating problems in the career or business, the adverse effects can be removed with the help of astrology.
Apart from astrology remedies, one should employ karma modifications to get the best results in business operations. A business astrologer can suggest what alterations one should bring in one's karmas/actions or lifestyle to become a successful business person.
Only some people can do family business!
A father can be a successful businessperson, but his son doesn't need to follow in his footsteps. A family business is not meant for all! You should have a family business yoga to get involved in the family business.
There are instances of many big names having no heir to carry forward their business lineage. Similarly, the next generation's stars may not allow them to share the same success and fame as their fathers or forefathers did. The secret lies in the planetary placements in one's horoscope. Astrology for parental business suggests that the placement of the Sun (father) and Rahu (forefathers) decide the fate of the parental business. Different astrological combinations speak of success in parental business. One should consult an astrologer before joining a parental business or making one's future generations join their parental business. Only some can carry their parental business; else, many of the famous business houses might still have their existence. Many popular business houses vanished due to the need for more hierarchy continuity. All indications for success in parental business are present in the birth chart. One should consult a competent business astrologer who can assess the true avenues of doing a successful business in the birth chart. Several yogas need to be assessed in detail for a successful businessman.
?Conclusion- Astrology can provide detailed information about one's prospects in business. With an explanation of the various parts a business includes, one can see the chances of prospering business. Astrology covers all aspects of business and provides the right and timely guidance to excel as a successful business person!